May 14, 2017

Football Headz Cup 2

Football Headz Cup 2 game screenshot
In this sports game, football (soccer) has been simplified to a match of funny… heads with one foot. Players move these sports heads on the field and can hit the ball. Who will score more goals to the end of a match? Your opponents are controlled by the game program. 

Simplifying of the sportsmen’s appearance doesn’t make this online football too easy! Gamers should master some tricks to block other’s attacks and to succeed in the game. We can choose different teams in four leagues and try to win a championship. Also, this free football game has modes with one and with two players in the teams.

Football Headz Cup 2 - free sport game, soccer matches

To practice penalty in an online soccer tournament, play Euro Keeper 2016 on Very Good Games.

Euro Keeper 2016 - sports game with football penalties on the blog for smart gamers

Modern sport is often has a lot of similarity with the animal life – it is rather about hard competition than about self-improvement. Almost like in the life of worms from the multiplayer game SlitherIo, which are ready to eat each other to become bigger and stronger: 

SlitherIo - free online adventure on our gaming blog

Running is a significant part of the football game. Virtual running can’t give us the same excitement and benefits, as the real gives. But it can be full of fun! Like in the Euro Soccer Sprint game:

Euro Soccer Sprint - free game for Android, iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac